

Terms of Service

To access and use this website, you must receive the following terms and conditions. Please read these terms carefully before using this website. If you do not accept these terms, please do not use this website. Once you use this website, you are aware and agree to accept these terms .

Website rights and interests

This website has the "Elecpro" copyright. All rights not expressly granted herein are reserved. In order to use the services of this website, you must be able to access the Internet directly on your own or via internet-accessible devices and pay the related services on your own. In addition, you must provide all necessary equipment necessary to connect with the international network, including computers, data sets or other access devices, and we will not be responsible for any problems caused by the use of the information on this website.

All information provided on this website is provided according to the status quo at the time, has done its utmost to announce its obligations, but please understand that there may be any omissions and omissions. The Company reserves the right to modify and correct the information on this website at any time. In the event of any material changes, this site without any notice, nor for any access to the above information accuracy, validity, timing or completeness of any guarantee.

We appreciate your service by downloading or printing this site, but please be aware that before you use this service you must agree to retain all copyright and proprietary information relating to its contents, otherwise you should destroy all Downloaded and printed material. You may not use the content and services provided on this site for commercial purposes, for profit or for advertising purposes. No part of this website may be changed, distributed, transmitted, reproduced, copied, reproduced, altered, distributed, displayed, displayed, displayed, used, or used in any or all of the contents or services of this site without the express written authorization of DEA. The site belongs to the server for a mirror, otherwise legally held liable.

If you provide DEA by e-mail or any of DEA's web pages or by any other means, you have the information material or your unrestricted right to provide it to DEA, and you have You agree that DEA has unlimited access to the information materials you provide and that the information you provide will not be treated as proprietary or confidential.

DEA does not guarantee that any or all of the contents of this website are suitable or available for use outside the People's Republic of China. In some areas are listed as illegal areas, are prohibited to read or use of these materials. People who visit this site outside the People's Republic of China are solely for their own volition and personal initiative and are responsible for complying with all local laws. These terms and conditions of use are governed by Chinese law and do not conflict with their legal provisions.


This site is only available, according to the status quo to provide relevant information, materials and operations. DEA does not make any warranties of any kind with regard to the availability, accuracy or reliability of this site or the materials and information provided by it, including but not limited to warranties of title, risk, non-infringement, accuracy, reliability, merchantability, THE USE OF CORRECTNESS, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR OTHER SUITABILITY, OR ANY WARRANTY, REPRESENTATION, AND WARRANTY OF USE OF THIS WEBSITE UNINTERRUPTED OR ERROR-FREE. In no event will DEA be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, or consequential loss, loss, debt or business interruption caused by the use or inability to use the information provided on this website (Whether foreseeable or unpredictable, even if DEA was informed of this possibility). This website may provide links to third-party websites, which are not responsible for the maintenance of these websites nor for the content of these websites. The provision of links to these sites does not imply endorsement or support of these sites or their contents by DEA. DEA does not make any representations or warranties about these linked sites nor assume any liability whatsoever for them.

These Terms may be amended at any time by DEA, and you should always visit this page for current terms and some of these terms may also be superseded by expressly designated legal notices or terms on some of our web pages. DEA may terminate, change, suspend or suspend any aspect of this website at any time, including the availability of any of the features of this website. You may also limit or restrict certain features and services without prior notice and limitation of certain parts or all of your access to the Site. DEA may terminate the above authorizations, rights and permits, and you should destroy all material immediately upon such termination.

The laws of the People's Republic of China apply to disputes arising out of this statement or the use of this website.

The power of interpretation of this statement and interpretation of the use of this site attributed to the DEA General Aviation Holding Co.,Ltd..